Scare tactics

六月 6, 2013

I was disappointed by the lack of challenge in “State of independence could prove costly, Scots warned” (News, 23 May). In Scotland, we are being bombarded relentlessly with scare stories about independence. Some raise reasonable concerns, despite the manner in which they are presented, and merit serious responses. Others are just silly.

While your report is in the former category, two questions might have been raised. First, why would a future Scottish government, fully committed to higher education, mindful of the importance of research and with the resources to support it, not want to do so? Second, does anyone seriously think that research funding from the UK government will not be subject to further threats as the coalition pursues its fiscal policies and looks for more cuts? The article might also have mentioned access to European Union funding following the proposed “in/out” referendum.

We live with uncertain futures, no matter the result in September 2014.

Bryan D. MacGregor
University of Aberdeen



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