Laurie Taylor Column

五月 13, 2005

"We (academics) seem to be inundated with new courses" - Nancy Rothwell , The Times Higher, May 6


From: Jamie Targett, Director of Corporate Development

Subject: Summer Term Courses

These courses are available to all staff. Attendance is not compulsory, but failure to attend at least six courses a year will be construed as lack of commitment and used as evidence in ongoing restructuring situations.

Designed for academics who failed last term's Leadership course. Attendees will be introduced to the concept of being a positive Follower and receive training in Basic Dependence, Leaving Decisions to Others, Escaping Responsibility, Passing the Buck and General Servility.

Social Skills Workshop 6
Another in the series of workshops that seek to equip attendees with the body language appropriate to a modern change-oriented academic environment.

Previous workshops have dealt with Eye Contact (Looking the Other Way and Turning a Blind One), Bodily Posture (Knee-bending and Forelock-tugging).

This workshop will concentrate on Facial Expression and will include practical advice on Lip-buttoning, Taking it on the Chin, and the use of the Tongue for promotional benefit.

Unleash the Power Within
This course is a natural development of last term's Make Your Subconscious Mind Work for You. It may be taken in conjunction with Discover Your Creative Self or Tune in to Your Inner Wisdom. (Unleash the Power Within is not recommended for those with cardiac disorders).

Training Teachers to Teach Teacher Training After complaints from new lecturers about the quality of teacher training, it has been decided to improve such teacher teacher training by introducing a special series of teacher-led teacher teacher training workshops.

Other Course News
Please note that the Indian Head Massage course is not confined to staff from that sub-continent.

Activating Joy
We regret that this course has been cancelled owing to the continuing unavailability of Joy.



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