Laurie Taylor

十二月 22, 2000


Yes, mother.

Enjoying the goose? You don't mind that we haven't had turkey this year?

Not at all. What are these?

Prunes, Roger. Prunes in Armagnac. Don't you like them?

Oh yes, very nice. Nice and plump.

That is how they should be. Roger?

Yes, mother.

When I was tidying your room this morning I found several large sheets of paper by your bed with times and days written all over them. I've put them on top of the wardrobe for safety.

That's fine. Thank you.


Yes, mother.

What are all those sheets? Is it some sort of diary?

That's right. It's called the Research Transparency Exercise.

What does that mean?

Well, it's a technical matter. What I have to do is to put down the ways in which I allocate my time so that the funding bodies will know how many hours a week I spend on each activity.

I see. Like a diary?

That's right.

More apple stuffing, Roger?

Yes, please. It's very good. Delia?

That's right. Roger, there is one small thing. I hope you don't mind me asking. It's probably only a technical matter.

No, go ahead.

Well, Roger. You know how this annual Christmas dinner is a very special time for both of us.

Of course it is mother.

Then why have you put it down on your sheet as "Administration"?




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