Tackling health inequality with wearable data

The South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub brings together many stakeholders to ensure that digital health technology narrows health inequities

Digital health interventions can significantly improve healthcare access and patient outcomes. On an episode of the THE Connect podcast, Tim Chico, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Sheffield, explained the value of digital healthcare and the collaborative approach it requires. “If you really want to translate your research into improved patient outcomes, then you need to understand much more than your own disciplines,” he said.

Chico heads up the South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub, which uses digital technology to tackle health inequalities and help people live longer and healthier lives. South Yorkshire’s health outcomes are worse than many other places in the United Kingdom, and the region struggles with the burden of respiratory illness, high blood pressure, mental health problems and cardiovascular disease.

“South Yorkshire is an excellent test bed to develop and prove health technologies – we have the same diseases London has, we just have more people with them,” Chico said.

Chico said the hub “brings together academics, researchers and clinicians, but also citizens, patients, healthcare professionals, National Health Service organisations, industrial partners and wider stakeholders, including policymakers”.

By hearing from a variety of voices, the hub is better placed to deliver relevant and accessible healthcare to all communities. “We have put a lot of attention on getting the voice of citizens, patients and carers into our work at the earliest stage,” he said. For example, the hub holds citizen juries “where we really seek the views of a diverse range of citizens in what we’re doing and get their advice” and also includes patients and community members on their funding boards. “They vote on which projects we should be awarding funding towards, and they’re incredibly valuable sources of wisdom,” he said.

Data is an untapped resource for improving health outcomes, Chico said. “We already generate huge amounts of healthcare data every time we see a doctor, dentist or optician, but all this data is kept in lots of separate places and is not very accessible for research,” he said. “Just bringing it together and connecting the data can lead to some really important insights.”

Technology, such as smartphones or watches, can also yield new data points, from exposure to different environments to air pollution, heart rate and sleep cycle. “Bringing these two things together – the data we have at the moment but don’t connect, and the data we need but don’t collect – is where we’ll be able to develop some really exciting technologies,” Chico said.

Researchers at the hub recently completed a clinical study with Google “which attempts to use smartphone sensors to diagnose whether someone has underlying high blood pressure or diabetes without the need for blood tests or to see a doctor”, Chico said. “It’s a way to democratise the ability” to diagnose these conditions.

However, Chico flags that maintaining participant privacy and data security are vital. “We would not take any data from people’s devices unless they give consent. We use the same governance and ethics regulations that we apply to medical trials and clinical studies,” he said. “Although I am confident that there are health benefits that can come from [new digital healthcare technologies], we prioritise security and privacy above everything else.”