ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY Angus Erskine, commander and leader of Polar expeditions; A. Crosbie, ex-head of geography, Edinburgh University; Jean Balfour, former chair of the Countryside Commission for Scotland; Derek Lyddon, chairman of the Planning Exchange; Donald Mackay, chairman of Scottish Enterprise and Pieda plc; I. Thompson, ex-head of geography, Glasgow University.
ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART Senior fellows: Gillian Ayres, painter; Martin Hunt, designer, Queensbury Hunt co-founder; Anthony Jones, RCA rector (1992-96); Vico Magistretti, furniture designer; Nicholas Serota, Tate director.
Honorary fellows: Inge Cordsen, head of Livingstone Studio and visiting lecturer in constructed textiles; Garth Clark, gallery owner and promoter of European and American ceramicists; Delfina Entrecanales, gallery owner and RCA benefactor; Susan Kasen Summer, collector and benefactor; Gillian Naylor, retiring professor of history of design; John Norris Wood, retiring senior tutor in natural history illustration and ecological studies; John Steer, emeritus professor of history of art, University of London.
Fellows: Dinah Casson, senior tutor in architecture and interior design; Roger Coleman, senior research fellow ; Prue Bramwell-Davis, senior tutor in industrial design engineering; Henrietta Goodden, course leader of womenswear; David Hiscock, tutor in photography; Gill Plummer, personal assistant to the pro rector; Richard Rome, tutor in bronze casting; Patrick White, jeweller.