Turning the Tide (11.00 am R4). Wind turbines versus habitat conservation in Cambridgeshire.
Superhuman Debate (3.00, 6.00, 9.00 and 12 midnight BBC Knowledge). Robert Winston and fellow scientists follow up his BBC1 series with a discussion on the future of medicine.
Thinking Allowed (4.00 R4). Michael Dummett, philosopher and refugee advocate.
Tomorrow’s World (7.00 BBC1). New methods for diagnosing Down’s Syndrome in the womb and other “breakthroughs”.
The Money Programme (7.30 BBC2). “The People Smugglers.” The profits to be made from transporting immigrants into Britain.
Twenty Minutes: Book of the Month (7.50 R3). Julia Pascal on David Macey’s new biography of Franz Fanon.
Connect (9.00 R4). Quentin Cooper on the “designer science” of the fragrance industry.
The State of the Planet (9.10 BBC1). “Real success can only come if there’s a change in our societies, in ourselves and in our politics,” says David Attenborough in the last part of his trilogy, “The Future of Life”.
Night Waves (9.30 R3). On the British Museum’s new Great Court (which also has a programme to itself next Saturday on BBC2).