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2022: Congress report

The intention of this report is to inspire strategic change for universities committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It distils the collective intelligence of 266 participants of the Global Sustainable Development Congress 2022, hosted by Times Higher Education in partnership with the University of Glasgow on 31 October – 2 November 2022.

The annual congress has been initiated as a new platform of activity that can enable university leaders and their communities to forge stronger partnerships with governments, the private sector and civil society. This report provides practical actions and areas of strategic focus that universities can and must enact in order to catalyse and accelerate progress.

Times Higher Education’s unique dataset on university impact from around the world provides evidence of the extraordinary effort, commitment and energy invested by more than 1,500 institutions globally towards achieving the UN SDGs. The congress provides the opportunity to add human context to the data, allowing delegates to work creatively together and create action points that can be put into practice. This report is the initial reference point for all university staff, at every level, of what they can do now, and next.


Download the event report here


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