Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is the largest technical university in Russia. It is a major scientific and educational complex with well-developed infrastructure of scientific and innovative research and highly qualified specialists training.
The Polytechnic University has been at the cutting edge of science and technology for many decades. The University's projects are aimed at creating and promoting technologies for solving global scientific and technical problems around the world. Polytech scientists focused on finding innovative solutions to the most important problems in science, engineering and technology, such as nuclear and plasma physics, telecommunications and robotics, computer science and cybernetic, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, physical and chemical basis of metallurgical processes, engineering etc.
Polytechnic University provides for realization of boldest plans and creative technological projects. Performing R&D on a regular basis, ensuring the development and creation of fundamentally new and globally competitive “best-in-class” optimized new generation products / parts / products / structures for leading companies in the local and global industry. The combination of long-term history, established traditions and a clear future vision allows us to develop high standards in education and scientific research and to fulfill special mission of the University - creating new engineers of a new generation (“engineering and technological special forces”).