Brussels, 08 May 2002
A Fifth Framework programme (FP5) project designed to facilitate technology and know-how transfer within the European statistical system is holding a workshop on recent developments in time series, methodologies and tools on and 28 May in Rhodes, Greece.
The event, organised by the AMRADS (Accompanying measure to research and development in official statistics) project, funded under FP5's IST (information society technologies) programme, aims to bring together users and academics who are interested in time series analysis for official staticians to encourage the exchange of ideas and proposals for future developments. It will also present recent developments in academia and software tools that can be exploited in official statistics programmes.
For further information, please consult the following web address:
To register, please email:
Sarah Antonelli
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
CERTeT Centro di Economia Regionale, Trasporti e Turismo
Via Gobbi 5
20136 Milano
Tel: +39 2 5836 5443/5436
Fax: +39 5836 5439