Standing Conference of Principals
John Cater, director and chief executive of Edge Hill University College, has been elected vice-chairman of SCOP for 1998-99.
University of Wolverhampton Jean Gilkinson, professor of Hispanic studies, has been appointed dean of research.
New College
Jon Clark, chair of New College's academic planning implementation group, professor and head of department of sociology and social policy, has been appointed director of the college.
Napier University
Ronald Miller, chairman of the British Knitting and Clothing Export Council, non-executive director of Christian Salvesen plc, Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society and the Securities Trust of Scotland, is to be chairman of the university's court.
National University of Singapore
Shih Choon-Fong, has been appointed deputy vice-chancellor and director of the institute of materials research and engineering.
Seth Grant, senior scientist at the Centre for Genome Research, has been appointed director of the centre for neuroscience.
Robert Alexander, life peer, Queen's counsel, chairman of the NatWest Group, has been nominated to succeed Rex Richards as chancellor of the university on his retirement in October 1998.
Graham Allaway, former scientific director of Progenics Pharmaceuticals, New York, has been appointed chief executive to the university's Biosciences Incubator Ltd. Diana Hampson, former deputy director, has been appointed director of estates, succeeding Richard Furter.
Shimon Edelman, former post doctoral researcher at Massachussetts Institute of Technology, has been appointed reader in computer science and artificial intelligence.
James Hope, lord of appeal in ordinary, will be installed as the university's chancellor on April 29.
David Holmes, registrar and secretary of the University of Oxford, is to be registrar and secretary of the university in July 1998.
European Business School
Eric de la Croix, professor at the school since 1990, former head of international affairs at Hatfield Polytechnic, has been appointed academic director.
Brian Henry, professor and research director of the centre for economic forecasting,is to be director of the centre's director.