Canterbury Christ Church College
Penny Kimber, former self-employed consultant, has been appointed head of external relations.
City University
Richard Nichols, the lord mayor of London, former master of the Salters' Company, senior partner in a firm of solicitors, has been installed as chancellor.
Association for Language Learning
Brigitte Boyce, formerly of the University of Liverpool, has been appointed director.
Chartered Institute of Marketing
David Chapman, senior member of the marketing subject group at the University of Sheffield business school, visiting professor of management at Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, Prague (1991-96) has been elected chairman; Laurie Wood, senior lecturer of corporate strategy and marketing and director of the audience development research centre at Salford University, has been appointed vice chairman and treasurer.
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
William Fulton, chairman of the Fulton Group, justice of the peace, has been appointed chairman of the school.
Learning World
Sally Coady, former manager of special curriculum projects at Gwent Tertiary College has been appointed chief executive of the education centre at Gateshead.
The university has appointed the following pro vice-chancellors: Linda Challis, professor, head of the school of health care (academic development); John Glasson, professor, head of the school of planning (research and consultancy).
Royal Commission
Stewart Sutherland, principal of the University of Edinburgh has been appointed chairman of the Royal Commission on the funding of long-term care for the elderly.
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