Royal Academy of Arts
Christopher Le Brun has been elected as an academician. He trained at the Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea School of Art, was a trustee of the Tate Gallery (1990-95) and has recently been appointed a trustee of the National Gallery.
University of Central England in Birmingham
Brendon Young, chartered engineering and management accountant, has been appointed business development director in the business school.
Student union officers have appointed Trevor Page as the union's permanent secretary. He is former general manager at Worcester College of Higher Education.
The Association of Accounting Technicians
Jeanette Purcell, former assistant secretary of membership, continuing professional development, the district network and development of the scheme for self-employed members, has been appointed head of education and training.
Martin Haldane, chartered accountant and partner in Chiene and Tait, fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Council of the National Trust for Scotland, has been appointed to the university's court.