Call for tender for assessment of energy projects

七月 29, 2002

Brussels, 26 July 2002

The European Commission's Energy and Transport DG has issued a call for tenders for project assessments of renewable energy and energy efficiency studies.

The services will be split into 11 different lots covering the following subjects:

Project database: this involves the structuring and extracting of project results that have been completed under the SAVE and ALTENER programmes, as well as the production of thematic reports for the various sectors and topics (lots 1 and 3). The results will be entered into a database structure designed to be accessible via the Internet. The development of the database structure will be set up under a separate contract in advance of lot 1 and 3. The database is meant to replace existing tools available, notably the SAVE and ALTENER project descriptions on the websites CORDIS and Agores, and will be linked to ManagEnergy which includes some information on SAVE and ALTENER project results relevant to local actors.

Impact assessments: this involves the undertaking of impact assessments of completed SAVE and ALTENER projects (lots 2 and 4). The aim of these impact assessments is to investigate direct and indirect results and impacts on the market and on relevant stakeholders and decision-makers. Furthermore, there will be an impact assessment for the 'Campaign for take off' (lot 9).

Data collection, trends and forecasts: this involves a study analysing the market penetration of renewables as a consequence of the RES-electricity Directive in the different Member States (lot 8), and a study to provide comprehensive statistics on CHP plants in Member States and EFTA countries (lot 11).

Market studies: this involves two specific studies on the future markets for bioenergy (lot 5) and wind energy (lot 7).

Other issues: this involves a study on a strategy to promote sustainable communities with high performance in the energy and transport sectors (lot 6), as well as the development and the updating of the Energy star website as required in the Energy star regulation (lot 10).

For further information, please contact:

European Commission
Directorate-General Energy and Transport
Attn: Mr Hans J Mydske
DM 28, UAD
B-1049 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 296 7990
Fax: +32 2 296 6261

To see the call text, please consult the following web address: ek-Deliver&LANGUAGE=en&DOCID=113392-2002

Remarks: The deadline for requesting tender documents is 06.09.2002. The deadline for submitting tender documents is 13.09.2002.

Before contacting the Commission, tenderers are strongly advised to consult the original call text in the Official Journal of the European Communities at the reference below.

Document Reference: OJ No S 144-113392 of 26.07.2002

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/© European Communities, 2001



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