Commission requests feedback on proposals for coordination support in FP6

五月 14, 2002

Brussels, 13 May 2002

The European Commission's Research DG is seeking feedback on its proposals for the 'ERA-NET' scheme, the principal means for supporting cooperation and coordination under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) for research and development.

The Commission has published a working document on ERA-NET in order to generate an open discussion on the provisions for improving the cooperation and coordination of research activities at national and regional level. The scheme is expected to contribute to the structuring of the European research area (ERA) by intensifying cooperation and coordination through the networking of research activities and the opening up of national and regional research programmes. ERA-NETs will be implemented as a 'coordination action', and financed with 160 million euro under the specific programme 'Integrating and strengthening the European research area' of FP6.

Networking refers to cooperation and coordination activities which take place between programmes in different countries with each national or regional authority paying the cost of its own participation and research. The Commission suggests that networking activities might fall under four headings: 'systematic exchange of information and best practice' will include the creation of fora of research programme makers and managers and short term exchanges of programme managers. 'Strategic activities' will include the identification of research activities carried out by different programmes, but which have similar goals and that could be used to design future multinational schemes

'Implementation of joint activities' could see support for the clustering of nationally or regionally funded research projects, the use of multinational evaluation procedures and joint training activities, whilst 'transnational research activities' would cover the implementation of a programme of transnational research activities within each country or region paying for the participation of its own researchers. This would lead to the setting up of a common strategy, a joint work programme, common calls for proposals and common evaluation of results.

The mutual opening up of national or regional research programmes implies a pooling of national funds or creation of a joint programme, which may be used to finance joint actions in another country under a reciprocal agreement.

Possible mechanisms for developing the mutual opening of national and regional research activities include cross funding of researchers in one country by programmes in another, the funding of multinational projects submitted in response to a call for proposals in another country, the provision of mutual access to facilities or laboratories in one country for scientists from another and the pooling of national funds in order to finance projects resulting from a joint call for proposals.

Each ERA-NET must involve research activities undertaken in at least five different Member States or Associated States in order to obtain a significant structuring effect at European level. Participants will principally be public bodies responsible for financing or managing national or regional research activities, research associations, private research and innovation organisations, research funding charities and bodies operating at European level which coordinate nationally funded research.

As ERA-NETs are foreseen as being a long term activity, the Commission proposes that partners establish a 'unified management structure'. Such a structure could carry out scientific and administrative management, develop strategic activities, ensure the maintenance of high standards of scientific excellence as well as the promotion of gender equality, and launch follow up research activities.

As a 'coordination action' under FP6, funding from the Community will be limited to the costs of activities undertaken to implement the ERA-NET. No support will be provided for the research activities themselves. Community funding stretches to two million euro, or higher if one ERA-NET covers several different fields of research.

The first calls for proposals will be published at the start of FP6, the first deadline being in early 2003 with a budget of 40 million euro. Deadlines will then follow roughly every six months, with a budget of around 20 million euro for each call.

To access the full working document, please consult the following web address: pdf/era-net-7-5-02.pdf

Comments should be sent by e-mail to Anne Mandenoff E-mail:

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