Strasbourg, 05 June 2002
In a second report, this time non-binding, Godelieve QUISTHOUDT-ROWOHL (EPP-ED, D) will be presenting a draft motion for a resolution on Rules for participation in the Euratom Framework Programme. The Commission's aim has been to make the rules for participation in the Sixth framework programme for research and the dissemination of research results easily accessible, the administration faster and slimmer and to protect the Community's financial interests.
The reporter welcomes these principles but proposes a number of amendments to the rules that fall under co-decision procedure. She emphasises that the minimum number of participants for each research project has to be at least three independent legal entities established in three different Member States or Associated States.The reporter insists that the evaluation of projects should be "user-friendly" and follow a two-stage procedure.
Report on the amended proposal for a Council decision concerning the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in the implementation of the framework programme 2002-2006 of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
(COM(2001) 823 - C5-0236/2002 - 2001/03(CNS))
Doc.: A5-0205/2002 [may not be available yet]
Procedure: Consultation procedure
Debate: 11.06.200
European Parliament Briefing 2002-06-10 _en.htm