Strasbourg, 05 June 2002
Opening the joint debate on RDTD research and training programmes, W.G. VAN VELZEN (EPP-ED, NL) will be putting forward a non-binding motion for a resolution on specific programmes implementing the Sixth Framework Programme.
Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health: On cancer research that the research strategy must be patient-oriented. An approach is required which, taking genomics as the basis, leads to improvements in clinical practice and human health.
Information Society technologies: developing mobile, wireless, optical and broadband communication infrastructures and computing technologies that are reliable, pervasive and can be adapted to accommodate new applications and services.
Nanotechnologies: emphasis is placed on applications, such as medical, environmental and food analysis systems.
Aeronautics and space: the competitiveness of the European commerical aircraft industry should be improved and there should be more research into science and study of the solar system.
Food quality and safety: emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of controls and harmonisation of procedures.
Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems: research into the impact of climate change on fish stocks should be included.
Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society: the priority should be Europe's cultural heritage.
Report on the amended proposal for a Council decision adopting a specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration: 'Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area' (2002-2006)
(COM(2002) 43 - C5-0212/2002 - 2001/0122(CNS))
Doc.: A5-0211/2002 [may not be available yet]
Procedure: Consultation procedure
Debate: 11.06.200
European Parliament Briefing 2002-06-10 _en.htm