EP Briefing 2003-06-18: EU statistics on science and technology

六月 17, 2003

Strasbourg, 16 Jun 2003

The Industry Committee, through its Chairman Carlos WESTENDORP Y CABEZA (PES, E), is recommending the approval of the Council common position on Community statistics on science and technology without amendment.

(All Parliament's amendments from 1st reading were incorporated into the common position).

The aim is to develop a new generation of statistical variables for Community science and technology purposes. Since the expiry in 1997 of the former Council Decision on statistics a legal vacuum on the definition and clarification of statistics has existed.

Given the importance of statistics on defining EU science and technology policies as well as their importance on EU businesses a harmonised set of statistics is considered both relevant and important.

Recommendation for second reading on Community statistics on science and technology on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology
[14089/1/2002 - C5-0130/2003 - 2001/0197(COD)]
In the form of a letter
Procedure: Codecision (2nd reading)
Vote: 19.06.200

European Parliament Briefing 2003-06-18



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