Brussels, 29 April 2003
Agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and non-member States of the European Union on the participation of the latter in the Community arrangements for the early exchange of information in the event of radiological emergency (Ecurie) (OJ C102/2 29.4.2003). Full text [NB link expires 45 days from publication date]
Article 10 - Entry into force
1. Following signature of this Agreement by Euratom, the Agreement shall be open for ratification by the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Turkey. To that effect, Euratom shall transmit certified copies of the Agreement to those countries for signature. Euratom may invite other countries to become a party to this Agreement.
2. The Commission shall be depository of this Agreement.
3. This Agreement shall enter into force three months after at least one of the countries named above has acceded to it. For each Country acceding to this Agreement after its entry into force, the Agreement shall enter into force three months later.
4. Each acceding country shall inform the Commission about the termination of its internal procedures regarding the conclusion of this Agreement. The Commission shall inform the other parties to this Agreement about the accession of a new party, including the date on which the Agreement is to take effect for that party.
5. Each acceding country shall provisionally participate as a member of the Ecurie arrangements from the date on which the Commission receives a certified copy of this Agreement duly signed by the national authority invested with the requisite powers, as well as the contact information requested under Article 7 for its full implementation.
Article 11 - Termination conditions
1. If a Party decides to terminate this Agreement, such termination shall be notified in writing to the other Parties. At the end of a three-month period from the date of notification, this Agreement shall cease to have legal effects between the Party which decides termination and the other Parties to this Agreement. The date of termination shall depend on the date of notification to the Commission. The Commission shall inform the other Parties to this Agreement of the relevant date.
2. Upon the accession of a Participating Country to the European Union, Council Decision 87/600/Euratom shall apply and this Agreement shall cease to have individual effect for that country.
3. This Agreement shall cease to exist if Euratom decides to withdraw from this Agreement in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1.
Article 12 - Provisions concerning Switzerland
The Agreement concluded in the form of an exchange of letters between Euratom and Switzerland on 21 June 1995 (OJ C 335, 13.12.1995, p. 4) shall be repealed with effect from the date of entry into force of this Agreement for Switzerland after its accession to this Agreement.
Done at Brussels, 29 January 2003.
Official Journal of the EC, C102/2 29.4.2003