FP6 Action in Support of Research Infrastructures: Structuring the European Research Area

五月 9, 2002

Brussels, 08 May 2002

This document is being widely circulated in order to generate an open discussion on the provisions for supporting research infrastructures in the Specific Programme on Structuring the European Research Area of the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006)

It is available on the DG Research web-site: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/nfp/ infrastructures.html

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Comments are welcome and may be sent by e-mail to Marco Malacarne: Marco.Malacarne@cec.eu.int


The ability of Europe's research teams to remain at the forefront of their field of science and technology depends on their being supported by state-of-the-art infrastructures. Recognising this dependence, the main objective of the Research Infrastructures action in FP6 is to ensure that Europe's researchers may avail themselves of research infrastructures of the highest quality and performance in Europe.

Specifically the action will aim at:

­ ensuring that European researchers may have access to the infrastructures they require to conduct their research, irrespective of the location of the infrastructure;

­ promoting the optimum development of new and upgraded research infrastructures of European significance to reflect the needs of the research community.

In this context, the term "research infrastructures" refers to facilities and resources that provide essential services to the research community in both academic and industrial domains.

Research infrastructures may be "single-sited" (single resource at a single location), "distributed" (a network of distributed resources, including infrastructures based on Grid-type architectures), or "virtual" (the service being provided electronically). Examples include singular large-scale research installations, collections, special habitats, libraries, data-bases, integrated arrays of small research installations, networks of computing facilities, as well as infrastructural centres of competence which provide a service for the wider research community based on an assembly of techniques and know-how.

Support for research infrastructures in the present action is open to infrastructures throughout the fields of science and technology in a "bottom-up" manner, i.e. without any preference for one field over another. Likewise, access to supported infrastructures will be available on a "bottom-up" basis, i.e. independently of the specific research priorities of potential users. In this way, the present action is complementary to the forms of support available under the thematic priorities of the Framework Programme (e.g. Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence1).

1 Working documents describing these two instruments are available on the DG Research web site, at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/nfp/ networks-ip.html .


Five schemes for support will be implemented:

1. Transnational Access,
2. Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives,
3. Communication Network Development,
4. Design Studies, and
5. Construction of New Infrastructures.

Other measures will also be supported under this action in order to promote a more co-ordinated approach to research infrastructures in Europe, within the general context of realising the European Research Area.




Subject to the provisions of the Framework Programme, the total budget appropriations for this action will amount to EUR 465 million (excluding EUR 200 million for the support of GEANT and GRIDS, as outlined in section 2.3). The total budget available for support to selected proposals will be somewhat reduced to take into account the overheads and administrative costs for the management of the action. As a result, calls will be published on a periodic basis (according to the timetable, objectives and themes defined in the Work Programme), on the basis of an overall budget of about EUR 450 million. Within this indicative budget, the indicative distribution of funds among the different support schemes and among the various calls would be as follows:

(a) Transnational Access and Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s): a minimum of EUR 250 million;

(b) Design Studies and Construction of New Infrastructures: a maximum of EUR 198 million.

(c) Other specific support measures: a maximum of EUR 2 million.



The Commission will ensure a transparent, fair and impartial evaluation of proposals. The scientific and technical evaluation will have due regard to the criteria set out in Chapter 2, and will be carried out under the responsibility and co-ordination of the Commission services, assisted by external independent experts chosen by the Commission services, according to the "peer review" method. This may include, where appropriate, experts from outside Europe, an external referee system, and direct interviews.

During the peer review, experts will be asked to comment on the adequacy of resources and the reasonableness of the budget from a value-for-money point of view. They may also propose negotiation recommendations for the Commission, where relevant, including recommendations to reject some of the proposed activities (e.g. some of the activities proposed in the context of an I3).

Following the evaluation, the Commission services responsible for the activity will conduct detailed negotiations, once again assisted by external experts if necessary, prior to the formal selection of proposals and to establishment of contracts. These negotiations may involve hearings of applicants, site visits, etc.

Proposal for actions to be supported will have to comply with fundamental ethical principles, particularly those set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Moreover, any participant having committed an irregularity in the implementation of a Community supported action may be excluded from the evaluation and selection procedure at any time.


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