French university suspends classes after migrants set up camp

Refugee and asylum seekers pitch tents on campus in northeastern France

九月 27, 2017
Row of tents in field
Source: Getty/iStock

The University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne suspended lessons at one of its campuses after around 40 refugees and asylum seekers pitched tents on its premises.

Around 8000 students were restricted from entering the university’s Croix-Rouge campus.

The institution’s president, Guillaume Gellé, said that access would remain restricted until “conditions of security have been re-established”, the Local reported.

“I demand security for all concerned…You can see in this camp there are children and minors,” he added.

The migrants were recently asked to leave their makeshift shelters in a local park that residents had dubbed “mini Calais”, according to the report.

The main student union in France, Unef, said that the families should be moved out of the campus.

“We call on the local authorities, the mayor of Reims and the district to urgently house these families,” said Unef.



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