John Kay reveals the confused power structure that mires Oxford University in frustrating muddles and indecision.
Della Bradshaw and Jim Kelly say that Oxford overcame controversy to back the Said school.
Paul Kelley, the headteacher whose prize pupil Laura Spence was famously rejected by Oxford University, told Oxford students that they owed it to future generations to reform the admission system that had got them there.
Labour ministers can no longer duck the need to reform private schools to create a level playing field with the state sector, the Fabian Society has warned in a pamphlet by Harry Brighouse of London University's Institute of Education.
Chris Hughes writes that for five years Dr John Sinden and his team were written off as a bunch of academics with more brains than business sense. That was before ReNeuron blew the minds of biotechnology investors.
Scientists from the Indian Space Research Organisation has discovered what could be a primitive form of alien life floating miles above Earth.
The controversy over Oxbridge's admission policy has reached the Oxford Union, but the man who ignited the furore, the chancellor Gordon Brown, was noticeably absent.
Antonio Damasio says that new research follows the brain's workings during heightened states of emotion.
Tony Blair defends biotechnology in the wake of attacks on scientists and attempts to wreck GM crop trials.
Doctors at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have taken an important step closer to developing a test for Down's syndrome in pregnancy that would avoid risk to the developing foetus. ( Independent , Daily Telegraph , Times )
Burning the midnight oil before exams or interviews is counterproductive, according to research from Harvard Medical School which suggests sleep is needed to allow memories to be "downloaded" into the brain. ( Independent , Daily Telegraph , Times )
The children of couples who live together out of wedlock are twice as likely to see their parents split up as those whose mother and father are married, according to the Institute for Social and Economic Research, at the University of Essex. ( Independent , Daily Mail , Daily Telegraph , Times )