From today's UK papers

十月 2, 2001

The Guardian

Chelsea Clinton enrols for a masters degree at Oxford University next week, but is she making a big mistake? Prominent dons are beginning to think the unthinkable about Britain's oldest academic institution: it is in decline. Lee Elliot Major investigates

Thousands of young students from small mosque schools across Pakistan's remote tribal areas are pouring into Afghanistan to prepare for war against US forces.

Head teachers of private schools urged parents not to resort to litigation if their children gained disappointing exam results. A Sussex school is being sued for £150,000 by the family of a star pupil who failed to get a top grade in A-level Latin. .

Lecturers step up fight to close the gender gap in university pay, reports Donald MacLeod.

Unless the government takes drastic action, British campuses could be almost 50 per cent down on lecturer numbers by the end of the decade - it's called early retirement. Donald MacLeod investigates.

Dozens of little-known academics are being hauled in front of television cameras for instant comment on the war against terrorism. The chance of recognition looms but there is a price, reports Joe Plomin.

Ray Thomas nipped out of the student's union for a kebab and was stabbed. Chris Arnot reports on police and university plans to reduce violent crimes against students.

Daily Telegraph

Men are put off church because priests tend to have feminine personalities that appeal to women, says a survey by the University of Wales.

The Independent

Chancellor Gordon Brown vowed yesterday that he would not be forced by the slowdown in the world economy into scrapping plans to inject billions of pounds into health and education.

Exam results of A and AS-level students were riddled with errors this summer because of the pressure on examiners to mark extra scripts, head teachers of leading independent schools said yesterday.

The planet's great and good are loosening their belts for the mother of all celebrations: the centennial of the Nobel prize. But the ultimate award for genius didn't get where it is without causing a fair bit of controversy.

Academics are responding to the crisis with all kinds of advice. But, Roger Dobson asks, do we need guidance on the science of flag flying?

Financial Times

Researchers from Harvard Medical School have identified the mechanism that makes the anthrax bacterium so deadly. The research, published today in Current Biology , could lead to a late-stage cure for victims of the bacterium.

Cambridge University is to pioneer Britain's first "zero carbon" public transport scheme after winning financial backing from the European Commission.

The Times

Plans by Louise Farrakhan, the black Islamic leader, to address the Oxford Union were thrown into doubt last night after the student body said it was reconsidering the invitation.

Some university candidates may miss their chosen courses because they are still waiting for the results of A-level appeals, independent school head teachers said yesterday.




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