Brussels, 17 May 2005
Energy researchers from the world's richest countries plus Russia, together known as the G8, along with researchers from five developing countries, have identified a number of areas for closer collaboration.
The results of the two-day workshop, which took place on 11 and 12 May, will be considered by policy makers ahead of the G8 summit in July, where climate change and clean energy issues are on the agenda. The five developing countries joining those from the G8 at the workshop were: Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa.
The themes identified as priorities by the delegates include:
- improving current arrangements for collaboration between developed and developing countries;
- understanding the different issues facing developed and developing countries;
- improving the visibility and profile of existing energy research networks and their
- advancing technology beyond research and development to deployment;
- sharing knowledge on decision tools for planning, prioritising and evaluating research
Nuclear fission and fusion, hydrogen and fuel cells were not discussed at the meeting, as it was agreed that international collaboration is already sufficiently well advanced in these areas.
CORDIS RTD-NEWS / © European Communities
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