Grant winners - 1 January 2015

一月 1, 2015

National Institute for Health Research

Health Services and Delivery Research Programme

Acute hospital care for frail older people

Patient-centred assessment method (PCAM): improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions and co-morbid mental health needs

Health Technology Assessment Programme

Self-management of analgesia and related treatments at the end of life (SMARTE)

At-risk registers integrated into primary care to stop asthma crises in the UK (ARRISA-UK): a pragmatic cluster randomised trial with nested economic and process evaluations examining the effects of integrating at-risk asthma registers into primary care with internet-based training and support


Leverhulme Trust

Research Project Grants

Hero of Alexandria and his theatrical automata

Music in the art of Renaissance Italy, c. 1420-1540

Social relations and everyday life in England, 1500-1640


Wellcome Trust/Department for International Development

Modelling the Ebola epidemic in West Africa

In detail

British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) in Scotland

Award winners: Brigid Daniel (left) and Nina Biehal
Institutions: University of Stirling and University of York
Value: £400,000

Permanently Progressing?

This project, the first study of its kind in Scotland, will focus on children and young people who have had difficult starts in life. The research team aims to produce concrete evidence to help professionals, carers and adopters ensure that children have the best possible childhood and become happy, productive adults. It will focus on children who are first accommodated away from home by relatives, carers or adopters before the age of five. Using a range of methodologies, researchers will explore the experiences and outcomes for these children and identify what helps to ensure stability and security. “We know from our practice and research experience that, sometimes, the problems birth parents face are just too overwhelming to enable them to be the kind of parents they would like to be,” said Brigid Daniel, professor of social work at the University of Stirling. “In these cases, the children will be looked after by another member of the family or by foster carers. We owe it to these children, and to their birth parents, to ensure that they can all experience a good family life and receive the love and support that will allow them to flourish.”

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