Grant winners - 18 April 2013

四月 18, 2013

Economic and Social Research Council

DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme

Training, productivity and upgrading: evaluation of female and supervisor training programmes in the Bangladesh apparel sector


Leverhulme Trust

Research project grants

Social sciences

  • Award winner: Stephen Ball
  • Institution: Institute of Education, University of London
  • Value: £186,062

New philanthropy, education policy and governance

Past lessons for future challenges in the Brazilian Amazon

Scott and Glasgow University: the management and aesthetic direction of Europe’s largest architectural practice

International networks

Social sciences

Etnos and Minzu: the histories and politics of identity governance in Eurasia

Major research fellowships

Rape in England and Wales, 1500-1800

Global food networks, gender and transformation

The genesis of chivalry: conduct in Western European society 1000-1350

  • Award winner: Christian List
  • Institution: London School of Economics
  • Value: £171,800

Reasons, decisions and intentional agency


Wellcome Trust

Investigators in Medical Humanities

The value of these awards range from approximately £500,000 to just over £1 million for up to five years

Lifestyle, health and disease: changing concepts of balance in modern medicine


Action Medical Research

Research project grants

Premature babies: why are these babies at increased risk of ADHD?


In detail

Andrew Higson

Humanities in the European Research Area

Award winners: Andrew Higson (picured), Ib Bondebjerg and Caroline Pauwels
Institutions: University of York, University of Copenhagen and Free University Brussels
Value: €1 million

Mediating cultural encounters through European screens

Our sense of “Europeanness” is achieved partly through seeing representations of European others on screen. This project will examine how films and television dramas represent European others; which European screen fictions travel best; the industrial and policy environments that enable their production; their audiences; and their role in fostering a European identity. The focus is on 2005-15, via an overview of film and TV production and dissemination and UK, Danish and Belgian case studies.



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