- Award winner (institution): E.G. Nisbet (Royal Holloway, University of London) and A.C. Manning (University of East Anglia)
Value: £613,088
The South Atlantic/Southern Ocean carbon sink: is it significant and is it changing over time?
- Award winner: K.J. Flynn (Swansea University) and J.C. Blackford (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
Value: £391,961
Partitioning C, N and P between particulate and dissolved phases during growth of phytoplankton at different pH
- Award winner: R.G. Williams
Institution: University of Liverpool
Value: £193,006
Sensitivity of ocean carbon cycling to anthropogenic emissions
- Award winner: D.J. Scanlan (University of Warwick) and M.V. Zubkov (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)
Value: £367,700
Metal composition of marine cyanobacteria - an indicator of niche adaptation and cell physiological state?
- Award winner: S.W. Parman
Institution: Durham University
Value: £26,332
Noble gas partitioning experiments at mantle pressures: proof-of-concept study
Twelve new biomedical research units, worth £45 million, will be established as partnerships between universities and NHS trusts. Under the banner of the National Institute for Health Research, each will focus on translational research. Each will receive £3.75 million over four years.
- Partnership: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
University partner: University of Leeds
Musculoskeletal disease
- Partnership: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and MRC Institute of Hearing Research and University of Nottingham
Deafness and hearing problems
- Partnership: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Nottingham
Respiratory disease
- Partnership: Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust and University of Oxford
Musculoskeletal disease
- Partnership: Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust and Imperial College London
Cardiovascular disease
- Partnership: Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust and Imperial College London
Respiratory disease
- Partnership: Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
University partner: University of Sheffield
Musculoskeletal disease
- Partnership: Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and University of Sheffield
Cardiovascular disease
- Partnership: Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Southampton
Nutrition, diet and lifestyle (including obesity)
- Partnership: Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Southampton
Respiratory disease
- Partnership: United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust and University of Bristol
Cardiovascular disease
- Partnership: University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust and University of Birmingham
Gastrointestinal (including liver) disease.