- Award winner: Henrik Sass
Institution: Cardiff University
Value: £240,953
Manganese reduction coupled to the oxidation of ammonium and sulphur - a geochemical curiosity or an important biogeochemical process?
- Award winner: Heiko Paelike
Institution: University of Southampton
Value: £264,134
Testing the amplitude and rapidity of carbonate saturation change and global climate during the high pCO2 Oligocene "cold house"
- Award winner: Stephen Parman
Institution: Durham University
Value: £401,714
Did catastrophic melting events control the evolution of the atmosphere-ocean-earth system?
- Award winner: Patrick Meir
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Value: £32,638
Separating soil respiration into autrophic and heterotrophic components in Peruvian montane rainforest
- Award winner: Greg Hurst
Institution: University of Liverpool
Value: £49,963
Comparative genomics of Arsenophonus, a bacterial component of arthropods
- Award winner: Mike Bonsall
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £33,434
Stochastic dynamics, inflationary effects and predator-prey metapopulations
- Award winner: David Beeson
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £1,264,448
Genes, mechanisms, models and treatments for hereditary myasthenia
- Award winner: Adam Sillito
Institution: Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London
Value: £1,500,000
The functional organisation of directionally biased feedback influences from MT to V1 and the LGN
- Award winners (institution): Steven Armes (University of Sheffield) and Fiona Meldrum (University of Bristol)
Value: £309,553 (Sheffield), £319,435 (Bristol)
Biomimetic synthesis of crystalline materials with composite structures
- Award winner: Paul Joseph
Institution: University of Ulster
Value: £323,876
The effects of nano- and molecularly dispersed additives on the flame retardance in some chain-growth polymers containing covalently bound phosphorus
- Award winner: Rein Ulijin
Institution: University of Manchester
Value: £109,022
Designed peptide gels for 3D cell culture
- Award winner: Ian Hamley
Institution: University of Reading
Value: £309,237
Self-assembly of multiply responsive peptide copolymers
- Award winner: Adelina Ilie
Institution: University of Bath
Value: £407,447
Local electronic properties in carbon nanotube hybrids
- Award winner: Hajo Broersma
Institution: Durham University
Value: £500,921
Structural vulnerability measures for networks and graphs
- Award winner: John Evans
Institution: Durham University
Value: £309,918
New oxychalcogenides for electronic, magnetic and optical applications
- Award winner: Jianguo Lin
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £299,097
A novel process: solution - Heat-treatment, Forming and cold-die Quenching (HFQ)
- Award winner: Jon Goff
Institution: Royal Holloway, University of London
Value: £253,826
Spin frustration and orbital physics in vanadates
- Award winner: Nenad Mladenovic
Institution: Brunel University
Value: £15,567
Variable neighbourhood search for clustering and data mining
- Award winner: Richard Catlow
Institution: University College London
Value: £1,497,042
Synthesis, design and function in new materials chemistry
- Award winner: Robin Dunbar
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £142,220
Developing theory for evolving socio-cognitive systems
- Award winner: Alex Yakovlev
Institution: Newcastle University
Value: £120,645
Side-channel resistant cryptographic IP for smartcards
- Award winner: John Ward
Institution: University College London
Value: £1,236
Creating a user-friendly transaminase toolkit.