In detail:
Award winner: Malcolm Bennett
Institution: University of Nottingham
Value: £1 million
BBSRC Professorial Fellowship
This five-year fellowship has been awarded to aid research into ensuring a sustainable global food supply for a growing population. Professor Bennett's team aims to identify the genes that regulate root architecture in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, then use this information to manipulate equivalent genes in cereals, with the goal of altering their root architecture to improve nutrient take-up.
Award winners: Richard Challis and Paul Wilcox
Institutions: University of Nottingham and University of Bristol
Value: £228,308 (Nottingham) and £226,123 (Bristol)
Enhanced ultrasonic 3D characterisation of composites using full-matrix capture of array data
Award winners: Anotida Madzvamuse and Philip Maini
Institutions: University of Sussex and University of Oxford
Value: £13,382 (Sussex) and £3,076 (Oxford)
Mathematical modelling of spatial patterning on evolving surfaces
Award winner: Carmen Domene
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £1,600
Coarse-grained molecular modelling of a biosurfactant
Award winner: Kai Bongs
Institution: University of Birmingham
Value: £892,681
Cold atom quantum simulator: Disorder
Award winner: Alexander Gorban
Institution: University of Leicester
Value: £10,165
Workshop "Coping with complexity: model reduction and data analysis"
Award winner: Gordon Hayward
Institution: University of Strathclyde
Value: £1,010,648
New imaging systems for advanced non-destructive evaluation
Award winner: Ian Strachan
Institution: University of Glasgow
Value: £16,032
Singular structures in Frobenius and tt* geometries
Award winner: Fiona Meldrum
Institution: University of Leeds
Value: £319,435
Biomimetic synthesis of crystalline materials with composite structures
Award winners: Dominique Lawrence and Mike Leschziner
Institutions: University of Manchester and Imperial College London
Value: £180,421 (Manchester) and £307,445 (Imperial)
Novel hybrid LES-RANS schemes for simulating physically and geometrically complex turbulent flows
Award winner: Christopher Gourlay
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £101,575
Video microscopy of granular deformation and strain localisation in partially solid alloys
Award winner: Paul Harper
Institution: Cardiff University
Value: £344,269
MetSim: a hospital simulation support tool using meteorological information to improve planning and management of health services
The NIHR's Health Technology Assessment programme produces independent research on the effectiveness, costs and impact of healthcare treatments.
Award winner: John Campbell
Institution: Department of Primary Care, Peninsula Medical School
Value: £1,887,109
The effectiveness of telephone triage of patients seeking same-day consultations in general practice: a cluster randomised controlled trial comparing nurse-led and GP-led systems