Award winner: N.J.K. Howden
Institution: Cranfield University
Value: £93,529
Modelling water-quality response to climate and large-scale land-use change using the world's longest water-quality time series (1868 to date)
Award winner: R. Corstanje
Institution: Cranfield University
Value: £32,562
Towards a general framework to assess scale dependency in environmental covariates
Award winner: R. Hammond
Institution: University of Hull
Value: £66,712
Intraspecific tests of selfishness and enforced altruism in social insects
Award winner: U. Salzmann
Institution: Nerc British Antarctic Survey
Value: £91,863
Southern high-latitude vegetation response to rapid climate change at the Cenozoic greenhouse-to-icehouse transition
Award winner: S.M. Mudd
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Value: £43,984
A coupled geomorphic and geochemical model for testing the dominant controls on chemical weathering rates in eroding landscapes
Award winner: R.F. Katz
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £55,090
Coupled models of magma/mantle dynamics: melt transport at mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones
Award winner: D.J.P. Moore
Institution: King's College London
Value: £56,961
The response of soil respiration to insect-induced tree mortality: fusing ecophysiological measurements with ecosystem models
Award winner: B.J. Murray
Institution: University of Leeds
Value: £80,168
Quantifying the efficiency with which solid mineral particles nucleate ice when immersed in supercooled water droplets
Award winner: A.C.G. Henderson
Institution: University of Glasgow
Value: £87,466
The centennial-scale response of the Indian monsoon to Holocene climate change: a high-resolution lacustrine isotope record from Peiku Co, Tibet
Award winner: Z. Li
Institution: University of Glasgow
Value: £67,355
GAS: generic atmosphere solutions for radar measurements
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Award winner: Andy Sewell
Institution: Cardiff University
Value: £3 million
Comprehensive analysis of T-cell receptor degeneracy and T-cell cross-reactivity
The essential T-cells present in the immune system, which control and protect humans from infection, are the focus of this research project. Working with colleagues from Cardiff's School of Medicine, Professor Sewell will examine the nature of T-cell receptors in detecting foreign antigens, and how this process can lead to harmful autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. The results will be used to aid the development of new treatments and therapies for a variety of diseases.