
一月 9, 1998


University of Liverpool

Professor C. Hart, Pounds 57,6 from Johanne Holly Meningitis Fund (pathogenesis and treatment of meningococcal disease) and Pounds 58,410 from Wellcome Trust (molecular epidemiology of non-typhi Salmonellae in Kenya); Professor K. Morgan, Pounds 124,630 from Wellcome Trust (prevalence, incidence, geographical distribution and risk factors associated with Johne's disease, paratuberculosis, in beef cattle in the UK); Drs R. Munck, D. Hall, Professor R. Moore, Messrs B. Goldson and J. Lansley and Ms C. Fagan, Pounds 65,000 from Joseph Rowntree Foundation (coping and hoping in Liverpool); Professor J. Rhodes, Pounds 70,962 from NWCRF (studies to assess the functional role of cell surface and intracellular glycoproteins which express the Thomsen-Friedenreich oncofetal carbohydrate antigen); Professor J. Sloane and Dr C. Herrington, Pounds 70,462 from Clatterbridge Cancer Research Trust (molecular pathology of pre-cancerous breast lesions); Drs J. Youngson and J. Field, Pounds 59,186 from Roy Castle CFHF (IT system for the Roy Castle International Centre for Lung Cancer Research ) and Dr. J. Youngson, Pounds 82,525 (library facilities) and Pounds 414,752 (the descriptive and analytical epidemiology of lung cancer) from Roy Castle CFHF.

Research contracts

Professor G. Amaratunga, Pounds 60,500 from Fuji Electric Co.Ltd., Japan (higher performance power); Miss V. Doyle, Pounds 124,126 from Instituto Centramericano De La Salud (quality in Central America); Dr S. Flint, Pounds 73,700 from Statoil, Norway (development of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy models for tidal depositional sequences in extensional basins to predict sand body geometry and connectivity) and Pounds 153,687 from Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (tectonostratigraphic modelling of the Champion field) and Pounds 73,700 from Saga Petroleum (development of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy models for tidal depositional sequences in extensional basins to predict sand body geometry and connectivity); Drs R. Gaskell, S. Dawson and Professor C. Hart, Pounds 29,050 from Pet Plan Charitable Trust (study on mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bordetella brochiseptical isolates from dogs); Professor A. Kroeger, Pounds 22,312 from DSE, Germany (seminar on health sector reform); Professors N. March and D. Bacon, Pounds 35,847 from Office of Naval Research, USA (atoms and molecules in intense external fields and sliding conducting interfaces); Dr J. Walsh, Pounds 25,000 from Petrobas (Albacora field structural characterisation); Professor T. Walley, Pounds 24,090 from Liverpool Health Authority (developing a core curriculum in clinical pharmacology for dergraduate/postgraduate use); Dr D. West and Professor P. Johnson, Pounds 82,333 from IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp, San Diego (tumour-induced changes in human endothelial cell-surface glycoproteins); Dr P. Garner, Pounds 479,671 from Overseas Development Administration (effective health care in developing countries); Dr R. Williams, Pounds 79,200 from University of Edinburgh (climatic variability of Mediterranean paleo-circulation); Research grants

Dr A. Boussabaine, Pounds 106,359 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (neurofuzzy system for predicting cost and duration of construction projects); Professor J. Copeland and Ms C. McCracken, Pounds 66,392 from Medical Research Council (CFAS cognitive decline and dementia, Gwynedd centre) and, with Dr. K. Wilson, Pounds 77,880 from MRC (cognitive decline and dementia: consolidation and exploitation of analytical potential and banking of material, Liverpool centre); Professor E. Gabathuler, Pounds 53,657 from Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (electron-proton scattering DIS); Dr B. Gibbs, Pounds 147,712 from EPSRC (circulation pumps as structure-borne noise sources); Dr G. Greenhalgh, Pounds 150,137 from MRC (a transgenic mouse model of multi-stage malignant melanoma); Drs S. Millard and Professor J. Bungey, Pounds 144,652 from EPSRC (residual lifetime prediction of reinforced concrete structures with corrosion damage, phase 1); Drs T. Molyneaux, M. Taylor, G. Millard and Professor J. Bungey, Pounds 144,065 from EPSRC (interpretation of sub-surface radar images of reinforced concrete using artificial neural networks); Ms A. Renouf, Pounds 236,171 from EPSRC (knowledge - a rich tool for the analysis and prediction of innovation in the lexicon); Professors P. Twin, J. Sharpey-Schafer and Dr P. Nolan, Pounds 2,492,665 from EPSRC (nuclear physics rolling grant 1994-2000); Dr R. Williams, Pounds 63,364 from NERC (potential vorticity in the abyssal ocean); Dr T. Bullough and Mr T. Joyce, Pounds 101,726 from EPSRC (carbon doped Bragg stacks for VCSELs grown by chemical beam epitaxy); Professor R. Burgoyne, Pounds 40,180 from MRC (study of the neurocalcin family of Ca 2+ binding proteins in regulated exocytosis in adrenal chromaffin cells); Dr J. Davies, Pounds 24,810 from Natural Environment Research Council (constraining Earth mantle properties using high-resolution 3D spherical mantle convection simulations, mineral physics and seismic tomography);

Professors E. Derouane and G. Hutchings, Pounds 82,250 from EPSRC (in situ powder D-ray diffractometer for combined diffraction and online catalytic tests); Professor E. Gabathuler, J. Dainton and P. Booth, Pounds 1,508 from Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (particle physics grant 93-98); Dr M. Gage and Professor G. Parker, Pounds 25,172 from NERC (sperm competition, sperm selection and relatedness of mates in decorated field crickets); Dr C. Gilks, Pounds 45,591 and Pounds 43,404 from MRC (double-blind placebo controlled trial of penumococcal vaccine in HIV-infected adults in Uganda); Dr S. Hall and Professor W. Eccleston, Pounds 214,209 from EPSRC (low power architecture, circuits and technologies, Power Pack); Dr I. Harvey, Pounds 29,079 from NERC (population dynamics of odonates in agricultural landscapes: a largescale ecotoxicological perspective); Professor J. Hill and Dr P. Woodall, Pounds 36,848 from MRC (the impact of timing of surgical repair of cleft lip on parent-infant interactions and infant development); Professors M. Jackson, A. Shenkin, W. Edgar and Dr N. Roberts, Pounds 80,000 from MRC (multi-element and stable isotope approaches to human nutritional and toxicity studies using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry); Professor H. Rees and Dr. P. Turner, Pounds 154,868 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (cloning, expression and manipulation of key enzymes catalysing ecdysteroid transformations in insects);

Professors N. Richardson and P. Weightman, Pounds 1,1,572 and Pounds 54,041 and Pounds 113,488 from EPSRC (interdisciplinary research centre in surface science); Professors S. Roberts, D. Schiffrin and Dr. I. O'Neil, Pounds 50,000 from EPSRC (upgrade of mass spectrometry instrumentation); Dr J. Smith and Professor J. Lucas, Pounds 76,325 from EPSRC (virtual reality for improving pilot navigation and task visualisation); Dr M. Soutsos, Pounds 52,859 from EPSRC (influence of amplitude and frequency in the compaction of concrete by vibration); Drs J. Spencer and M. Kong, and Professor G. Jones, Pounds 198,077 from EPSRC (arc plasma production of particulate material and its effect upon circuit breaker operation); Drs S. Taylor and J. Marsland, Pounds 121,820 from EPSRC (reliability design for ultra-short gate CMOS technologies); Dr B. Barraclough, Professor P. Rudland and Mr J. Winstanley, Pounds 31,028 from MRC (in-situ location of the metastasis-inducing S100 A4 p9Ka, in human breast cancer specimens); Dr A. Bates, Pounds 164,720 from BBSRC (energy coupling and the basis of specificity of escherichia coli topoisomerase IV); Professor D. Bethell, Pounds 56,088 from EPSRC (cascade systems for catalytic asymmetric oxidation); Dr M. Caddick and M. Jones, Pounds 196,380 from BBSRC (nitrogen metabolite signalling in Aspergillus nidulans); Professor A. Cossins, Pounds 22,779 from NERC (identification of transcriptionally cold-induced genes); Professors E. Derouane and G. Hutchings, Pounds 139,217 from EPSRC (exploration of novel routes for the functionalisation of n-butane); Professor E. Derouane, Pounds 112,606 from EPSRC (synthesis of acetic acid from methane and carbon dioxide); Professors E. Gabathuler and P. Booth, Pounds 156,747 from PPARC (particle physics grant, 1996-2000);

to be continued.



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