Hot papers in environment and ecology, 2006-08

Data provided by Thomson Reuters from its Essential Science Indicators, 1 January 2006-31 August 2008

十一月 27, 2008

PaperAuthor(s), Journal Citations
1 Warming and earlier spring increase western US forest wildfire activity A.L. Westerling, H.G.Hidalgo, D.R. Cayan and T.W. Swetnam Science, 313(5789): 940-3, 18 August 2006121
2 Ecological and evolutionary responses to recent climate change C. Parmesan Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 37: 637-69, 2006120
3 Microbial fuel cells: Methodology and technology B.E. Logan, B. Hamelers, R. Rozendal, U. Schrorder, J. Keller, S. Freguia, P. Aelterman, W. Ver Straete and K. Rabaey Environmental Science and Technology, 40(17): 5181-92, 1 September 2006108
4 Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning and services P. Balvanera, A.B. Pfisterer, N. Buchmann, J.S. He, T. Nakashizuka, D. Raffaelli and B. Schmid Ecology Letters, 9(10): 1146-56, October 200662
5 Revising how the computer program Cervus accommodates genotyping error increases success in paternity assignment S.T. Kalinowski, M.L. Taper and T.C. Marshall Molecular Ecology, 16(5): 1099-1106, March 200756
The data above were extracted from Thomson Reuters’ Essential Science Indicators database. This database, currently covering the period January 1998 through August 2008, surveys only journal articles (original research reports and review articles) indexed by Thomson Reuters. Articles are assigned to a category based on the journals in which they were published and Thomson Reuters’ journal-to-category field definition scheme. Both articles tabulated and citation counts to those articles are for the period indicated. Hot papers are limited to those articles published in the past two years. A paper is selected as a hot paper if it meets a citation frequency threshold determined for its field and bimonthly group. Citation frequency distributions are compiled for each field and cohort. Thresholds are set by finding the closest citation count that would select the top fraction of papers in each field and period. The fraction is set to retrieve about 0.1 per cent of papers.

For more information on Thomson Reuters’ Essential Science Indicators, see



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