ICM poll: academics' voting intentions

五月 11, 2001

Voting intentions   2001 1997 1992 Labour 42% 51% 50% Conservative 5% 8% 15% Liberal Democrat 15% 17% 18% Scottish National Party 1% 2% 2% Plaid Cymru not available 1% 0.2% Green Party 1% 0% 1% Others 2% 1% 0.4% Would decide not to vote (2001) / Will not vote (1992, 1997) 2% 5% 3% Do not know 16% 8% 4%

Q: How important are the higher education policies of political parties in determining how you will cast your vote? (1992 - Asked as: How important is education in influencing the way you intend to vote?)   2001 1997 1992 Very important 33% 24% 46% Quite important 49% 34% 11% Not very important 11% 16% 1% Not at all important 4% 3% 1%

Q: Do you think the expansion of universities should continue?   2001 1997 1992 Yes 40% 32% 67% No 52% 62% 23%

If YES to previous question - Q: Who do you think should pay for future expansion? (Question not asked in 1992)   2001 1997 State 90% 72% Students and parents 32% 9% Employers 47% 3%

Q: Do you think academic standards have been raised, lowered or are unaffected by the expansion of universities?   2001 1997 1992 Raised 5% 9% 16% Lowered 63% 72% 56% Unaffected 22% 18% 20%

Statement: Tuition fees for full-time undergraduate courses are a deterrent to enrolment. (1992 - Question asked: Do you approve or disapprove of the proposal for a top-up fees system?)   2001 1997 1992 Agree strongly 57% 51%   Agree slightly 31% 31%   Disagree slightly 10% 3%   Disagree strongly 1% 5%   Approve     17% Disapprove     56%

Statement: Student hardship is damaging academic achievement. (1992 & 1997- Question asked: Do you think student loans have raised, lowered or made no difference to academic standards?)   2001 1997 1992 Agree strongly 69%   Agree slightly 20%   Disagree slightly 6%   Disagree strongly 2%   Raised 5% 3% Lowered 50% 63% No difference   44% 31%

Statement: An elite group of top universities should conduct high level research while undergraduate teaching mostly takes place in the rest. (1992 - Question asked: Do you approve or disapprove of the proposal to concentrate research in a small number of universities?)   2001 1997 1992 Agree strongly 7% 7%   Agree slightly 13% 13%   Disagree slightly 15% 18%   Disagree strongly 65% 48%   Approve     22% Disapprove     71%

Statement: University lecturers, researchers and administrators' pay should be determined by an independent pay-review body. (Question not asked in 1992) 2001 1997 Agree strongly 75% 62% Agree slightly 17% 25% Disagree slightly 3% 1% Disagree strongly 2% 2%

Statement: All undergraduates should take courses in core skills including communications, numeracy and information technology. (Question not asked in 1992)   2001 1997 Agree strongly 48% 30% Agree slightly 26% 28% Disagree slightly 14% 10% Disagree strongly 12% 14%

Source: ICM polls of academic staff carried out for The THES .

Number of respondents: 501 (2001), 400 (1997), 518 (1992)

Note: Answers may not always total 100% because we have omitted those not registered to vote, those refusing to answer and, in some cases, those who did not know. In 2001, respondents were allowed to select more than one response to the question "Who do you think should pay for future expansion?"

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