Ingenta pact opens portals

九月 17, 1999

Ingenta, the online scholarly information provider formed through a public/private partnership with the University of Bath, has struck a deal with CABI Publishing to create a series of web portals in the applied life sciences.

The first two portals, due to go live early in 2000, will focus on animal production and health, and nutritional science. They will provide access to scientific information and facilities for a range of customers in subject-oriented communities, and will be produced using Ingenta's latest online publishing technologies.

CABI Publishing, producer of CAB ABSTRACTS, the world's leading applied life-science database, will contribute content and indexing as well as publishing, presentational and editorial expertise to the new sites. It will also be responsible for market development and access.

Ingenta will provide the technological expertise - including access control, hosting and linkage features - as well as making its technology platform available for user-generated content, discussion groups and online conferences.

Debate: Food or Health, a biotech dilema.



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