£1m fund for academic aid to business
A £1 million “brains for business” fund was launched by the government today to encourage academics to help firms tackle technical and research problems. Experts in science, technology and business will receive fellowships worth up to £25,000 a year for four years.
Women quizzed about health and lifestyle
Ten thousand Southampton women have taken part in the largest study of women’s health and lifestyle ever carried out in the United Kingdom. Hazel Inskip of Southampton University, the survey co-ordinator, said: “The results will help us improve the health of young women and their children.”
Bid to boost unemployed's skills
Pilot programmes to identify and improve the literacy and numeracy skills of unemployed people have started in eight areas. Financial incentives of £10 a week will be given to participants, with £100 more when they improve their skills. Those who refuse to learn will have their jobseekers’ allowance reduced.
Scottish minister warns of death of Gaelic
MSPs were today expected to quiz Scottish minister Alasdair Morrison after he warned that Scotland’s native language will die unless more Gaelic programmes are shown on television. Holyrood’s education, culture and sport committee is carrying out an inquiry into the future of Gaelic broadcasting.