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四月 10, 2002

Labour backbenchers want fees abolition
Scores of Labour MPs today demanded the abolition of university tuition fees and the restoration of grants for hard-up students. The campaign, by the National Union of Students, has so far been backed by 86 Labour backbenchers, led by Stroud MP David Drew. His Early Day Motion has now been signed by more than 100 MPs, including former ministers Peter Kilfoyle and Kate Hoey.

Submerged Indian city of myth located
Remains of a mythical city that, according to legend, was swallowed up by the sea about 2,000 years ago have been found off the coast of India, it was announced in London today. A joint expedition of 25 divers from the Scientific Exploration Society and India's National Institute of Oceanography discovered the submerged ruins up to a mile off the coast of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu.

Leicester to launch asteroid warning centre
A centre aimed at keeping the British public informed about the possibility of Earth being hit by an asteroid will be opened next week. The Near Earth Object Information Centre, set up in response to the recommendations of the government's Task Force on Near Earth Objects, will be launched at the National Space Centre in Leicester on April 18.



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