Latest UK news

五月 15, 2001

Lib Dems' manifesto has student poverty focus
Scrapping undergraduate tuition fees and restoring grants for poorer students are among the promises in the Liberal Democrat manifesto launched today. The manifesto promises an extra £3 billion for schools, colleges and universities over and above the government’s existing commitments, funded by a penny on income tax.

Labour campaign will focus on enterprise
The Labour manifesto, due to be launched tomorrow, will promise new measures to encourage enterprise and innovation. The manifesto is expected to announce measures, such as tax credits, to encourage companies to invest in research and development.

College heads condemn strike's timing
Students will be the main losers in a series of strikes in further education colleges planned to begin next Tuesday, college heads have said. The Association of Colleges said that lecturing union Natfhe’s strike, in support of a £3,000 rise for all lecturers, will affect students preparing for exams.




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