Gates Foundation funds Liverpool research
The Liverpool School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine has received £1.2 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for its work in eliminating the disfiguring disease elephantiasis. The money will enable the school to bring six students a year from countries where the disease is rife for leadership training.
Beware Teesside pop fraudsters
No pop-group auditions are taking place at Teesside University this weekend. The university has put out a warning after members of the public were duped into paying £10 to confidence tricksters who had advertised the non-existent auditions. Anyone concerned should contact Cleveland Police on 01642 249406.
Fruit flies help tackle Alzheimer's
Fruit flies are helping scientists in their search for a cure to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at Southampton University are looking at the nerve cells of flies in the hope of testing new therapeutic drugs.