MPs push to abolish 'elitist' Oxbridge MAs

七月 21, 2000

A cross-party group of MPs has stepped up pressure on Oxford and Cambridge universities to stop selling MAs.

Oxbridge's practice of handing out the MA to first degree-holders three years after they graduate, on payment of Pounds 25, had already been condemned as unfair, misleading and elitist by 58 MPs who signed an Early Day Motion last month calling on Oxbridge to abandon the practice. This week more MPs threw their weight behind the demands.

Fourteen MPs, including former Labour lifelong learning minister George Mudie, signed a fresh EDM warning that the inappropriate use of the MA title will devalue the standing of legitimate masters degrees.

This week's motion was tabled by Jackie Lawrence, Labour MP for Pembrokeshire. Signatories include Tony Banks, former sports minister, and Bill Rammell, a former member of the House of Commons' education and employment select committee.



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