Brussels, 12 July 2002
CORDIS, the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service, is a new, free information platform service on the latest innovation and research press releases.
CORDIS WIRE offers a new interface to the research and business community and helps them promote their activities. Open to all, the service welcomes high quality press information on results, innovative policies, successes, case studies, events and more. It aims to become a central repository for press releases from various bodies from the European Union and candidate countries, including ministries, research agencies and SMEs.
The service is available to all CORDIS users seeking immediate release and news items on research in Europe. In addition, CORDIS WIRE offers registered journalists a specific embargoed section. The latter feature will offer a great opportunity for contributors to get coverage in the media on a regional, national and international level.
The current pilot version will be soon complemented by further developments, including a dedicated e-mail alert service, and detailed search features.
For more information, post a press release and preview, contact the CORDIS Wire Producer at E-mail: