New online discussion forum to boost FP6 networking for European researchers

五月 22, 2002

Brussels, 21 May 2002

A new online discussion forum has been launched to boost networking between research centres, scientific organisations and small businesses in preparation for the Sixth Framework programme for research, FP6.

The Discussion List FP6-PLTFRM initiative aims to generate ideas and exchange information about innovative technologies, proposals and initiatives related to integrated projects and networks of excellence in the IST (information society technologies) programme of the Sixth Framework programme for research (FP6).

It will create a virtual platform where universities, private companies and industry can combine skills and resources in the field of IST. It also hopes to provide a valuable tool for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) by bringing together information about specialist IST centres, policies and future scientific and technological needs.

It also aims to encourage synergy and cooperation between science and industry in IST.

To subscribe to the group, researchers should send an email to:


For further information, please contact:

Comercio Electronico Global, Spain
Research and Development
Spanish Centre of Excellence in Information Society Technologies
Tel: +34 9 76212169
Fax: + 34 9 76212169

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