On the move

七月 16, 1999

Richard Jarvis, chancellor of the University and Community College System of Nevada, has been appointed the first chancellor of the United States Open University, launched in 1998 as a sister institution of the Open University in Britain. He replaces the interim chancellor Richard Lewis.

The Earl of Limerick has been elected London Guildhall University's first chancellor from October 1. He will retire from the post of chair of the board of governors on September 30 after 15 years. His successor will be John Carter, former chief executive of Commercial Union.

John Balmer, founding director of the International Centre for Corporate Identity Studies in the Department of Marketing at the University of Strathclyde, has been appointed professor of corporate identity at the University of Bradford Management Centre.

Yehuda Elkana, joint professor of the history and philosophy of science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, has been appointed president and rector of the Central European University, which tries to help development of open societies in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Thomas Lange, professor and director of the Centre for International Labour Market Studies at The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, has been appointed Grampian chair in public policy and director of the centre for public policy at the university.

Gerry Webber, director of strategic planning at Napier University, has been appointed university secretary. He will succeed Ian Miller in November.

Brian Summers, deputy vice-chancellor (corporate services) of Oxford Brookes University, has been appointed registrar and secretary at the University of East Anglia.



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