On the move

九月 10, 1999

The Rt Hon. The Lord Paul of Marylebone, chairman of the Caparo Manufacturing Group, is to be the new chancellor of the University of Wolverhampton. He succeeds the university's first chancellor, the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot.

Lucy Blue, a maritime archaeologist at the University of Southampton, has been appointed to the advisory committee on historic wreck sites, which decides which UK wreck sites should receive special protection.

Pete Naude, former senior lecturer at Manchester Business School, has become professor of marketing at the University of Bath.

Chris Carr, senior lecturer in strategy at Edinburgh Business School, has been appointed to a chair of strategy at Edinburgh Business School, which he will take up at the end of October.

Michael Buckenham, former programme director of the health service management programme at the Royal College of Nursing Institute, has joined the University of Hertfordshire as head of the department of health and social care.

Sally Kendall, former professor of primary healthcare nursing at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, has also joined Hertfordshire in the new post of professor of nursing.

John Balmer, former director of the international centre for corporate identity studies, has joined Bradford University Management Centre as professor of corporate identity. The Management Centre has also made a number of appointments at a less senior level under its new director, Arthur Francis.

Geoff Layer, former professor of lifelong learning and head of access and guidance at Sheffield Hallam University, has been appointed professor of lifelong learning and director of the centre for continuing education at Bradford.

Terry Jenkins, former research professor of medicinal chemistry and head of chemistry at the University of Greenwich, also joins Bradford as Yorkshire Cancer professor of drug design.

Perry Schmidt-Leukel, senior academic assistant professor at the University of Munich, has been appointed professor of world religions for peace at the University of Glasgow from 2000. He will occupy a new post founded following a donation to the university.

Jack Barbalet, professor of sociology at the Australian National University, has been appointed professor of sociology at the University of Leicester from 2000.

Stephen Burkinshaw, former senior lecturer in the department of colour chemistry at the University of Leeds, has been appointed professor of textile chemistry.

Michael Morgan, former head of biochemistry at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, has been appointed professor of food biochemistry in the Procter department of food science at Leeds from October. His appointment follows the retirement last December of David Robinson.

Barry Hull, former head of the department of mechanical and manufacturing engineering at Nottingham Trent, becomes dean of engineering.

David Wright, reader in information storage at the University of Manchester, has been appointed professor of electronics at the University of Exeter from November.

Colin Hale, former reader in management at the University of Surrey, has joined the University of Westminster as professor of business and management.

John Birt, who took early retirement as professor of economics at the University of Birmingham, has also joined the University of Westminster as professor of business strategy on a short-term contract.

Midge Whitelegg, senior lecturer in the department of primary and community care nursing in the University of Central Lancashire's faculty of health, is to co-chair the core group of the research committee of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, established by the Prince of Wales to encourage integration of complementary and conventional medicine.

She will share the chair with Stephen Holgate, clinical professor of immunopharmacology at the school of medicine, Southampton University.

Dee Stephenson, former business development and European manager for Kingscourt, the training arm of CAPITB, the clothing national training organisation, has been appointed regional manager for the northeast and northwest at the NTO national council.

Paula Ridley, chair of Liverpool Housing Action Trust, has been appointed director of the UK branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.



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