Proposal for a Fifth COST Fund - JAF proposal to the CSO (link

五月 2, 2003

Brussels, 01 May 2003

Full text of Document 226/03
Suite of documents 226/03

The JAF Group suggests to the CSO to create a Fifth COST Fund of a total volume of 1.000.000 euro. The Fifth COST Fund would have no fixed duration, as for the previous four Funds.

In principle the contributions would be called for in four equally sized instalments. However, in view of the relatively small contributions and/or the budgetary facilities of Member States, the payment system would allow alternatively for payment of the entire contribution or several of the four instalments in one payment.

With a view to the CSO meeting on 10 and 11 April 2003 delegations will find attached a breakdown of Member States' quota, prepared by the Secretariat1.

1 Delegations wishing to refer to the history of the previous funds and the allocation of payments from Member States in the Forth Fund can find the data in doc. COST 245/93.


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