The Scottish Higher Education Funding Council is attempting to abate universities' dismay and anger over its proposals to change its system of funding teaching.
There have been accusations that Shefc's proposals to reduce the 22 subject groups to six could destabilise academic disciplines and institutions.
But Shefc's deputy chief executive, David Wann, said analyses produced by the universities were "historical" and did not take account of a 14 per cent increase in Shefc's budget over the next three years. Teaching funding per student will rise by 3.5 per cent in the coming year.
Council members, who approved the proposals, had not seen an analysis of the impact on individual institutions because Shefc still had to make a large number of decisions on various issues, Mr Wann said.
Mr Wann also stressed that this was "a genuine consultation process" and that Shefc would listen seriously to responses.
After a meeting with Shefc, a Universities Scotland spokesperson said: "We were very grateful for the candid responses from the funding council and these will now feed into our meeting next week at which we will develop a policy position."