Research Opportunities - History

三月 31, 2000

The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in History #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.

Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.

Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help


Aberdeen U. History and Economic History Prof A I MacInnes Tel: 012242456; URL: uk/history/ £ A?

Wales: Aberystwyth History and Welsh History Dr Michael Roberts Tel: 01970622662; URL: £

Anglia P.U. Languages and Social Sciences: History Division Prof JohnPollard Tel: 01223 3631; URL: £

Wales: Bangor History and Welsh History Dr A D Carr Tel: 01248 382247

Bath Spa U.C. (Bristol: UWE) History Academic Office Administrator Tel:01225 875444; URL:

Queen's U. of Belfast Economic and Social History Prof B M Campbell Tel:01232 3350; URL: £? A? Modern History ProfSean Connolly Tel: 01232 335101 ext 3850; URL: £?A?

Birmingham U. Economic and Social History Dr F Carnevali Tel: 0121 414 6635Email: Medieval and Modern History Miss J Pooler Tel:0121 414 5755; URL: £? A?

Bolton I.H.E. Arts, Science and Education: Humanities Prof S Stern-GilletTel: 01204 528851; URL: £? A?

Bournemouth U. Conservation: Centre for the History of Defence Electronics(CHiDE) Dr John Beavis Tel: 01202 595169; URL: £?A?

Bradford U. European Studies Prof J Hiden Tel: 014 383145 Fax: 014385550

Brighton U. Historical and Critical Studies Dr P Maguire Tel: 013 643108;URL:

Bristol U. Historical Studies Mrs A Payne Tel: 0117 928 8897; URL: £

Bristol: UWE History Prof Geoff Swain Tel: 0117 965 5384 ext 4392 £?

Brunel U. American Studies and History Prof D Wootton Tel: 0181 891 0121Email:

Buckingham U. Humanities: History Dr J C Clarke Tel: 01280 820294; URL: £?

Wales: Cardiff History and Archaeology Prof J P Osmond Tel: 01222 874259;URL: uk/uwc/hisar/ £ A

Central Lancashire U. Historical and Critical Studies Dr Richard Hoyle Tel:01772 893844 Email:; Dr David Russell Tel: 01772 893057Email: d.russell@uclan. £?

Cheltenham and Gloucester C.H.E. (Bristol U.) Humanities Dr S Saguaro Tel:01242 532291; URL:

Chester U.C. (Liverpool U.) History Dr Graeme White Tel: 01244 375444 Fax:01244 373379

Chichester I.H.E. (Southampton U.) History Postgraduate Office Tel: 01243816031 Fax: 01243 816081 £? A?

De Montfort U. Historical and International Studies David Sadler Tel: 0116257 7320 Email:

De Montfort U. Bedford Humanities Dr Will Coster Tel: 01234 351671 Fax:01234 217738

Derby U. European and International Studies: History Dr I Barnes Tel: 01332622222 ext 2090 Email:

Dundee U. Modern History Dr L A Williams Tel: 01382 344522

Durham U. History Mrs Sue Duncan Tel: 0191 374 20; URL: £

East Anglia U. History Sue Rowell Tel: 01603 593520; URL:

East London U. Cultural Studies Prof Kenneth Parker Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext51/40 £? A?

Edge Hill U.C. (Lancaster U.) History Chris Parker Tel: 01695 584213

Edinburgh U. Centre for Second World War Studies: Department of History DrPaul Addison Tel: 0131 651 1253; URL: Economicsand Social History Prof I S W Blanchard Tel: 0131 650 8354 Fax: 0131 650 6645History Dr R Jeffreys-Jones Tel: 0131 650 3773; URL: History Prof M Lynch Tel: 0131 650 4030

Essex U. History Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01206 872302; URL: £

Exeter U. Economic and Social History Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Tel:01392 263263; URL: £? A? Historyand Archaeology Postgraduate Admissions Tutor Tel: 01392 263263 £? A?

Glamorgan U. Humanities and Social Sciences Dr Neil Wynn Tel: 01443 482354;URL:

Glasgow U. Arts Histories: Medieval, Modern and Scottish Mr R Macdonald Tel:0141 330 6319; URL: £ A?Economic and Social History Social Sciences Graduate School Tel: 0141 330 4725;URL: £ A?

Greenwich U. Humanities Dr John Dunne/ Prof Angela John Tel: 0181 331 8800Email: £?

Hertfordshire University. Historical Studies Dr Matthew Cragoe Tel: 01707285633 Email: Humanities Dr Jane Singleton Tel: 01707285618 Email:

Huddersfield U. History Prof K Laybourn Tel: 01484 422288 ext 2091

Hull U. Economic and Social History Dr Robin Pearson Tel: 01482 466301Email: History Dr A Bennett Tel: 01482 465344

Keele U. History Prof D Vincent Tel: 01782 583209; URL: uk/depts/hi/hihome.htm

Kent U. History Director of Graduate Studies Tel: 012 764000; URL: £? History: History and Cultural Studies ofScience Dr Crosbie Smith Tel: 012 764000; URL: £?

King Alfred's Winchester (Southampton U.) Humanities and Social Sciences DrA King Tel: 01962 8291 Email:

Kingston U. Humanities Research Administrator Tel: 0181 547 7884 £? A? Humanities: History ResearchAdministrator Tel: 0181 547 7884 Email: uk £?A?

Wales: Lampeter History PG Admissions Tutor: Dept of History Tel: 01570422351; URL:

Lancaster U. History Ghislaine O'Neill Tel: 01524 592549; URL:http://www. £? Humanities Dr JaneSingleton Tel: 01707 285618 Email:

Leeds U. Leeds University Business School Mary Shearsmith Tel: 0113 2336862; URL: History Mrs A Dale Tel: 0113 2333582 Email: £

Leicester U. Economic and Social History Dr R Rodger Tel: 0116 252 2588;URL: £ English and Local History Dr K D M SnellTel: 0116 252 63; URL: History Prof N J Cull Tel: 0116252 2803 Email: Humanities Dr Jane Singleton Tel:01707 285618 Email:

Liverpool U. Economic and Social History Dr Andy Davies Tel: 0151 794 2408Fax: 0151 794 2423 History Dr J Kermode Tel: 0151 794 2393; URL:

Liverpool Hope U.C. (Liverpool U.) History Dr Derek Bell Tel: 0151 2913445/7 Email: £?

Liverpool John Moores U. Media, Critical and Creative Arts Dr T G AshplantTel: 0151 231 5052; URL: £? A?Science: History Dr Sam Davies Tel: 0151 231 4068; URL:http://www.livjm. £? A?

London: Birkbeck College History Dr David Feldman Tel: 0171 631 6267; URL:

London: Institute of Commonwealth Studies History Mrs R M Kochanowska Tel:0171 580 5876; URL:

London: Goldsmiths College Historical and Cultural Studies Prof SallyAlexander Tel: 0171 919 7493 Email:

London: Institute of Historical Research History Prof P K O'Brien Tel: 0171636 02; URL: £

London: Imperial College Centre for the History of Science, Technology andMedicine D Edgerton Tel: 0171 594 9354; URL: £?

London: King's College War Studies Christine Balfe Tel: 0171 873 2193

London: Institute of Latin American Studies History Gillian Lodge Tel: 0171387 5671; URL:

London: London School of Economics Economic History Graduate AdmissionsOffice Tel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL: DevelopmentStudies Institute Graduate Admissions Office Tel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL: uk/graduate/ International History Graduate Admissions OfficeTel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL:

London: SOAS History The Registrar Tel: 0171 637 2388 Email:registrar@soas.; Dr Ian Brown Tel: 0171 323 6146 Email:

London: Queen Mary and Westfield College History Prof Peter Hennessy Tel:0171 975 5016 Email: Law Katherine O'Donovan Tel: 0171 77536 Email: k.o' £?

London: Royal Holloway College History Dr Caroline Barron Tel: 01784 443313/443311 Fax: 01784 433032

London: SSEES History Andrew Gardner Tel: 0171 637 4934 ext 4079; URL:

London: University College Bartlett School of Architecture, Building,Environment Design and Planning Ms A Pink Tel: 0171 391 1738; URL: £ Centre for Politics, Law and Society Prof F RosenTel: 0171 380 7123; URL: £ History Admission EnquiriesTel: 0171 380 7365; URL: £ Science and TechnologyStudies Dr Hasok Chang Tel: 0171 391 1324; URL: £Hebrew and Jewish Studies Admission Enquiries Tel: 0171 380 7365; URL: £

London: Warburg Institute History Secretary and Registrar Tel: 0171 5809663; URL: /warburg/

London Guildhall U. Politics and Modern History Dr Iwan Morgan Tel: 0171 3201150; URL:

Luton U. Humanities Prof Ian Beckett Tel: 01582 489043 £

Manchester U. Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine DrJ Hughes Tel: 0161 5 5857; URL: for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Dr J Hughes Tel: 01615 5857; URL: History Dr JVernon Tel: 0161 5 3104; URL:

Manchester Metropolitan U. History and Economic History Prof N Kirk Tel:0161 247 3918 Fax: 0161 247 6302 History and Economic History Dr A J Kidd Tel:0161 247 1726 Email: Humanities and Applied Social Studies(Crewe and Alsager Faculty) Dr D Bates Tel: 0161 247 5402 MA by Research Dr Dennis Bates Tel: 0161 247 5402

Middlesex U. Humanities and Cultural Studies Prof Gabrielle Parker Tel: 0181362 5992 Fax: 0181 362 5351

Napier U. Social Sciences Mr I S Wood Tel: 0131 455 2522; URL:

Newcastle U. History Eleanor Cunningham Tel: 0191 222 6478; URL: £ A?

Newman College (Coventry U.) History Dr S Bulman Tel: 0121 476 1181 Email:S.P.

Wales: Newport Research Degree Programme Dr Miranda Aldhouse-Green Tel:01633 432240 Email: £ SCARAB Research CentreDr Miranda Aldhouse-Green Tel: 01633 432240 £

North East Wales Institute of HE (U. of Wales) Education and Humanities DrPatrick Costello Tel: 01978 293316; URL: uk/io/academic.htm £A?

Northumbria U. Historical and Critical Studies Prof C Bailey Tel: 0191 23119; URL: £? A?

Nottingham U. History Prof M Jones Tel: 0115 951 5932; URL: £?

Nottingham Trent U. International Studies Dr Colin Griffin Tel: 0115 9418418 ext 31/3175 Fax: 0115 948 6632 486632

Open U. History Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: £? History ofScience and Technology Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: £?

Oxford Brookes U. Humanities Prof M Chamberlain Tel: 01865 484130; URL:

Plymouth U. Humanities and Cultural Interpretation Dr Tony Lopez Tel: 01395255342 Email:

Portsmouth U. Social and Historical Studies: Social History Prof Graham MoonTel: 01705 842205 Email:

Reading U. History Dr R A Houlbrooke Tel: 0118 931 8147 ext 7337; URL: Graduate Centre forMedieval Studies Mrs E Berry Tel: 0118 931 8148; URL:

U. College of Ripon and York St John (Leeds U.) History Dr P Lock Tel: 01904656771/616756 Fax: 01904 640617 £?

Roehampton Institute (An Institute of the University of Surrey) HistoryKaren De-Netto Tel: 0181 392 3256 Email: £? A?

Salford U. European Studies Research Institute Miss Wendy Pickles Tel: 0161295 5614; URL: £ A?

U. College Scarborough (York U.) Critical and Cultural Studies Prof DavidCrouch Tel: 01723 362392 Email:

Sheffield U. History Prof I Kershaw Tel: 0114 222 2599

Sheffield Hallam U. Centre for Humanities Research: History Dr M WorboysTel: 0114 225 4358; URL: £?A?

Southampton U. History Prof John Rule Tel: 01703 594864 £

Southampton U. New College (Southampton U.) Historical and Political StudiesDr Adrian Smith Tel: 01703 216245 Fax: 01703 230944

St Andrews U. History School of History Office Tel: 01334 462900

St Mark and St John U.C. (Exeter U.) Humanities: History Mr Robert Keys Tel:01752 636700 ext 4319; URL:

St Martin's University College (Lancaster U.) History Alan Farmer Tel: 01524384450 Email: £? A?

St Mary's U. College, Strawberry Hill (Surrey U.) Historical, Social andCultural Studies Dr S Doran Tel: 0181 240 4019 Fax: 0181 240 4255

Staffordshire U. Humanities and Social Sciences: History Division Dr AlanMunslow Tel: 01782 294532 Email: artam@crmail.staffs. £? A?

Stirling U. History Prof R C C Law Tel: 01786 467580; URL: £? A?

Strathclyde U. History Prof B R Tomlinson Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext 2236

Sunderland U. Social and International Studies Prof A C Hepburn Tel: 0191515 2150 Email: £?

Sussex U. American Studies Research Programme Postgraduate Admissions Tel:013 678412; URL: ContemporaryHistory Research Programme Postgraduate Admissions Tel: 013 678412; URL: History Research Programme PostgraduateAdmissions Tel: 013 678412; URL: History Postgraduate Admissions Tel: 013 678412; URL:

Wales: Swansea History Dr R K Newman Tel: 01792 2952 Fax: 01792 295746 £?A?

Teesside U. Law, Humanities and International Studies Prof A J Pollard Tel:01642 342305 Email: £? A?

Thames Valley U. Business Prof John Armstrong Tel: 0181 231 2570

Trinity and All Saints College (Leeds U.) Humanities: History Dr C HallasTel: 0113 283 7100; URL: £

Ulster U. History, Philosophy and Politics Prof T Fraser Tel: 01265 324651;URL: £? A?

Warwick U. Centre for Caribbean Studies The Director Tel: 01203 523442Email: Centre for the Study of Social History Mrs R MLucas Tel: 01203 523292; URL: £Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Prof R Mulryne Tel: 01203 524587; URL: £ A? History Mrs J MLake Tel: 01203 523979; URL: £A?

Westhill College (Birmingham U.) History The Research Office Tel: 0121 4152254 Email: j.

Westminster U. Social and Behavioural Sciences Dr Lewis Johnman Tel: 0171911 5000 ext 2113; URL: £? A?

Wolverhampton U. Humanities and Social Sciences: History Division Dr MWanklyn Tel: 01902 323491 Email: £? A?

Worcester U. College (Coventry U.) Humanities: History Dr Frank CromptonTel: 01905 855323 Email: £? A?

York U. Centre for Medieval Studies Mrs L Harrison Tel: 01904 433910; URL: £ History Prof James Walvin Tel: 01904432980 Email: £ Institute of Railway Studies Prof ColinDivall Tel: 01904 432990 Email:

About this service #221>

The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.

The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.

Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.

Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.

Quality of degrees #221>

All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.

Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.

The compilers #221>

This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.

This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.



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