Brussels, 07 Nov 2003
The Council will hold an exchange of views on the Commission Communication entitled "Researchers in ERA: one profession, multiple careers" and will be called to adopt a draft Resolution on "Profession and the career of researchers within the European Research Area".
The most important points addressed on the draft Resolution are:
- The welcome given to the Commission's intention to work towards the development of a "European Researcher's Charter" and a code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
- The initiative to launch a European Year of Researchers to strengthen the public recognition of the profession of researchers and careers in R&D.
- The Commission and Member States are invited to undertake, on a voluntary basis, in particular through the implementation of the open method of co-ordination, as agreed by the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) a series of actions with a view to developing criteria for recording different professional achievements, exchanging good practice on the evaluation and appraisal systems for careers in R&D and removing other obstacles to a career in research or to mobility.
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