Brussels, 14 Nov 2003
Full text of Document 14057/03
Suite of documents 14057/03
No. Cion prop.: No prev. doc.: 8990/03 ATO 95 ENER 132 13537/03 ATO 181 ENER 280 ENV 542 Subject: Proposal for a Council Directive (Euratom) on the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
Delegations will find attached the text of the proposal as revised following the meeting of the Working Party on Atomic Questions on 22 October.
The changes brought to the text are without prejudice to further drafting amendments aimed at improving the consistency of definitions and formulations between this proposal and the one on nuclear safety. In that respect a clearer choice will have to be made between importing formulations from the Joint Convention and ensuring consistency with existing Community legislation.
Council Register