Scottish action runs dry

三月 21, 1997

All industrial action has ended in Scotland's colleges and new universities following staff acceptance of a 2.5 per cent pay award, with the prospect of another 0.4 per cent pending the outcome of talks on pay and conditions.

Staff in 13 higher education institutions took action this term in protest against a 2.5 per cent offer tied to changes in conditions of service, including a five-day cut in the present 61-day holiday entitlement, and "greater flexibility" in the working week.

Staff and management will now hold talks on conditions and the scope of national negotiations under the auspices of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, which they hope to complete by May 31.

Brian Fraser, the industrial relations adviser to the Conference of Centrally Funded Colleges, and the senior assistant principal at Glasgow Caledonian University, has rejected the prospect of joining the Universities and Colleges Employers Association. He said: "Having reached an accommodation, we think we are better placed to solve our own problems here than lay them into the laps of UCEA."



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