Second competition for young science writers in NIS

六月 11, 2002

Brussels, 10 June 2002

INTAS is offering young science writers from the New Independent States the chance to put their scientific message across to a wider audience.

On 28 May 2002, the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS) launched their second writing competition for young scientists from the New Independent States (NIS). Young scientists awarded a grant through the INTAS fellowship programme - or as an individual grant - and who have finished a project since January 2002 are invited to present the results of their research in an article of no more than 1 000 words. The final date to send applications is 13 September 2002.

The story behind the research!

The competition aims to get young scientists to write in a way that highlights the relevance of their work while making it accessible to industry, policy-makers and the general public. It also provides a much-needed boost to the science communication channels in the NIS. The writing should be in English, following a journalistic style, and be straight to the point. A hint of humour is encouraged. Additional guidance is available from the INTAS website, including links to earlier winners' works and examples of writing from other scientists. INTAS will announce the winners in November 2002 after selection by a judging panel made up largely of scientific copy writers. The best article will receive €800, while the runners up articles will receive €400 and €200 respectively. All the winners will have their work presented on the INTAS website.

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