Sources for research funding

十二月 4, 1998

Each fortnight this section will list funds available for academic researchers.

Details should be submitted to

Cancer Research Campaign 10 Cambridge Terrace London NW1 4JL Tel: 0171 224 1333

Training programme in psychosocial oncology and cancer health education Awards available are: CRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship in Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer.

Aims to familiarise those who work with cancer patients with the social, psychological and psychiatric principles underlying the management of the patient, family and staff; and to provide the knowledge and information necessary to acquire an in-depth understanding of the psychological aspects of cancer care. The four-year fellowship is intended for clinicians, clinical oncologists, or clinical psychologists who aim to pursue a career which includes psychosocial aspects of cancer.

CRC Primary Care Oncology Research Training Fellowship.

Three-year fellowship intended for doctors who wish to pursue an academic career in cancer research in primary care. The award is tenable in an accredited UK university department where a combined academic/clinical programme can be developed to provide a training in cancer research while maintaining clinical skills. The research should lead to the presentation of either an MD or PhD.

Deadline: December 31.

Contact the Scientific Secretary (Education) e-mail: crcinformation

The Humanities Research Centre AD Hope Building 14 The Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 Australia Email : administration.

2000 Academic Programme - Law And The Humanities.

Visitors Programme

The HRC invites scholars interested in pursuing research within the broad area of engagement between law and the humanities to apply for short-term visiting fellowships. Up to 20 funded fellowships will be awarded annually and must be taken up within the following academic terms - December-March, April-June, July-September, October-December. Fellowships will be in Canberra. Applications must be submitted on the centre's forms, available on the HRC website

Deadline: December 31.

Corporation of London Robert Blair Fellowship in Applied Science and Technology.

One award, value up to Pounds 10,000 will be offered for academic year 1999/2000 for advanced study or research abroad in applied science and technology. Candidates must be British citizens, at least 21 years of age.

Deadline: March 31.

Application forms available from: Assistant Education Officer, Corporation of London, PO Box 0, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ. Tel: 0171 332 1755. Fax: 0171 332 1621.

NASA Research Announcement NRA 98-HEDS-04 Research Opportunities in Biology-Inspired Technologies

This announcement solicits scientific and technical proposals based on innovative and "out of the box" concepts, which are largely inspired by biology, and the demonstration of the proof of such concepts. This NRA will focus mainly on two topical areas: 1) Smart Materials and Structures Inspired by Biology, 2) Human-Centered Systems.

Proposals may be for ground-based research investigations. Details at: http://peer1.idi.

Deadlines. Letters of Intent: December 15. Proposals: February 3, 1999.

Queries to: Dr. Roger Crouch, Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Code U, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546, USA

Research Announcement NRA 98-HEDS-03 Microgravity Fluid Physics: Research and Flight Experiment Opportunities Proposals may be for ground-based research investigations or space flight experiments designed for spacecraft such as the Space Shuttle or the International Space Station. Details at http://microgravity. Deadlines. Letters of Intent : January 15, 1999. Proposals: March 2, 1999.

Queries to Gerald Pitalo, NASA Headquarters, Code UG/Microgravity Research Division, Washington, DC 20546, USA Email address: gpitalo@hq.

The Coeliac Society PO Box 220 High Wycombe Bucks, HP11 2HY Research awards into coeliac disease prevalence.

The prevalence of Coeliac Disease (CD) in the general population is much greater than was commonly thought, particularly in defined populations such as those with diabetes or osteoporosis. Studies are sought that will ascertain the prevalence of CD in well defined target populations within the UK.

Deadline: Three copies of the application to be received by December 14 Address: David Brown, Secretary, The Coeliac Society, PO Box 220, High Wycombe. HP11 2HY

Department of Health rdd1.htm Drug Misuse Research Initiative Policy Research Programme - Call For Proposals

A programme of research on drug misuse, up to a total of Pounds 2.4 million over five years. The programme is intended to deliver research-based evidence which will underpin the development of high quality, effective and valued prevention strategies and treatment services. Outline applications under Phase 1 of the programme are invited. Detailed research brief and application form from: Drug Misuse Initiative, Research and Development Division, Department of Health, Rm 401A, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LH Email: The research brief and application form are also available on the website.

Deadline: January 15 1999.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Postdoctoral one-year fellowships available to scientists under 35 years old with an MD, PhD or equivalent and no more than three years' postdoctoral research experience. Application forms on the website. Details: email Mrs E. El Akroud, secretary to the selection committee (elakroud@

Address: IARC, 150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon cedex 08, France Tel: 33 472 73 84 48; Fax: 33 472 73 83 22 Deadline: January 31 1999.

Huntingdon's Disease Society of America

Support for research at the basic and clinical levels relating to cause and treatment of Huntingdon's Disease. US citizenship is not a requirement. Fellowships: designed to help young postdoctoral investigators. Applicants must have a PhD or MD or equivalent. Grants: provide "seed money" for new or innovative research projects.

Deadline: January 5, 1999.

More information via the website or contact: Joyce Hammel, Science Programs Administrator, Huntingdon's Disease Society of America, 158 West 29th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001-5300, USA. Email: jhammel_hdsa Tel: 212-242-1968 x20. Fax: 212-239-3430

National Organisation of the Spanish Blind (ONCE) ONCE international R&D grants seek to promote research of a medical, technical technological nature which leads to the improvement of standards of living, social integration and integration into the labour market of blind and visually-impaired persons. Contact: The Secretary, The ONCE R&D Grants, C/Jose Ortega y Gasset, 18, 28006 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 91-436-5300/91-577 3756. Fax: 91-436 5355/9. Email: or Deadline: January 1 1999.

German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) BioFuture Competition Opportunities to work in the biosciences in Germany. Open to postdoctoral researchers from Germany and abroad who are already experienced in research.

Deadline: January 15 1999.

There is an English-language call for proposals on the Web (www.kfa-juelich. de/beo/biofuture.htm)Further information may be obtained from: Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Projekttrager Biologie Engergie Umwelt, D-52425 Julich Tel: 0049 2461 614621 Fax: 0049 2461 6169999. Email:

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Democracy and Participation Research Programme.

This programme aims to investigate citizen participation and voluntary activity in Britain, and addresses a number of key themes concerning the present state of British democracy and participation. A major theme of the programme will be to examine the effectiveness of institutions which support democracy. Coupled with this is the need to identify and evaluate the forms of democratic representation required in Britain to meet the societal demands of the 21st century.

Proposals are invited under five themes: A. Is there a crisis of participation and democratic legitimacy in Britain?

B. Why do some people participate when others do not?

C. What are the effects of a changing environment, particularly constitutional and political changes, on participation?

D. What are the links between participation, governance and democratic accountability?

E .What participation is taking place?

The ESRC is keen to encourage new researchers and fund innovative research which draws in co-funders and involves collaboration with policymakers, business and industry, practitioners, voluntary agencies as well as overseas researchers and other relevant research programmes.

Queries should be directed to: Kieran Humphrey, PEG RST, Research Division, ESRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UJ (tel 01793 413132) email: Kieran. Detailed information and application forms available on the web. Return the original outline proposal form plus four copies to: The Registrar, ESRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UJ.

Deadline: January 15 1999

International Education Research Foundation, Inc. (IERF)

Research Grants The purpose of the IERF Research Grants will be to support the research, publication, and distribution of current information on the evaluation of academic credentials for educational systems throughout the world. Grants may be awarded to individuals or organisations supporting the purposes of IERF.

Single research grants will be awarded for a specific project, and they may not be renewed. Grants may be awarded in amounts of up to $5,000. Grant recipients may be required to submit a status report for the final payment of grants which are awarded as partial payments.

Evaluation of proposal will consider how the project will address some or all of the following:

* The intended target population

* The relevance of the research to problems currently facing IERF and its colleagues

* The degree to which the research is on world education systems

* The degree to which the integration of non-U.S. educated individuals into the U.S. workforce, as well as integration into the U.S. education system

* The plan for the dissemination of the results of the research

* The degree to which the proposal supports the educational, philanthropic, and charitable purposes of IERF Deadline: To apply, a one-page summary of the proposal should be sent, not later than January 1, 1999 to: IERF, Attn: Grant Committee, PO Box 66940, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA Tel: 310.390.66 Fax: 310.397.7686

British Council. Hungary http://www.britcoun. org/hungary OMFB website:

British-Hungarian Science and Technology Programme 1999-2002 The purpose is to help develop scientific and technical collaboration between British and Hungarian research groups, especially where this leads to wider partnerships within Europe and with EU funding. Research groups from public sector institutions of higher education and research may apply. Each proposal must have a named British and Hungarian project coordinator. Priority will be given to disciplines in the EU Fifth Framework Programme and to:

* environmental protection

* biotechnology

* agricultural sciences

* energy

* information technology

* medical science

* science and technology policy Application forms from the Science Assistant at the British Council and the National Committee for Technological Development, H-1052 Budapest, Szervita ter 8.

Hungary Tel: +36-1 117 0677. Fax: +36-1 266 0801.

Deadline: December 10 .

AVERT (Aids Education and Research Trust) UK-based Postgraduate Research Studentships for medical research on HIV and Aids.

The purpose is to enable graduates to undertake full-time medical research over three years on a project leading to a PhD in the field of HIV and AIDS. AVERT is interested in research which furthers the understanding of:

* immunological/ virological response to HIV infection

* clinical features and pathogenesis of HIV infection

* delivery, effectiveness and impact of treatments for HIV infection and Aids.

AVERT does not accept applications from individual students. Students should approach the department head or establishment where they would like to study. Application should be made on the appropriate form from: AVERT, 4 Brighton Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5BA.

Tel 01403 210202. Fax 01403 211001 Email: avert@dial. Deadline: December 15.

Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles. 0171 782 3225Email: sarah. knowles@



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